Confidence in the Market Jumps Sharply

Confidence in the real estate market is on the rise, and millennials still believe in the American Dream. However, there is a knowledge gap that calls for advice and guidance from real estate professionals. Consumers have their eyes on interest rates. Continue reading

Getting your College-Bound Teen Ready

collegeboundWithin the next month many parents will face the tough task of preparing their teen for dorm life for the very first time.  For the majority of students the concept of a home away from home can be overwhelming and a little bit frightening.Here are some tips to help guide you and your teen through this exciting and trying period: Continue reading

Help Avoiding Those Kindergarten Jitters

kidergartenThe first day of kindergarten can bring a few tears, especially for parents.  It may be hard to believe your child is growing up so fast. Try to keep your emotions under wraps and make sure your child feels excited and ready to begin this year of learning and fun experiences.

Is your child is ready and what can you do to help them?  Here are a few top recommendations… Continue reading

Brewing Beer at Home?

Home brewing is a great hobby which is constantly increasing in fame. In these difficult times, many people are turning to hobbies that can be done inexpensively at home, and with the ability to produce home-made beer, wine and other beverages at home, brewing fits the bill perfectly home-brewing-beer. Home brewing does not require a huge investment in equipment or time and is a great hobby to enjoy with friends and family. Continue reading